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OCF Odisha

MSME Entrepreneur Training & Counseling


Odisha corporate foundation (OCF) is a philanthropic &registered society which at bringing all successfulpeople of Odiya from various corporate sector working/ leaving all over the globe to common platform toprovide voluntary support to the new / young /budding entrepreneurs of Odiyas’s anywhere in world .It is connecting platform of corporate people &entrepreneurs on world basis.


OCF intends to provide the necessary support throughits rich resources based, guidance and initialincubation with the help of corporate alliances andlarge networking support. OCF will continuously conduct awareness programs atvarious education institutions & universities forcreating a new ecosystem for budding entrepreneurs.


Odisha Corporate Foundation is a platform to promoteinnovation and entrepreneurship among youth. Inwhich many retired bank officers, experienced andexperienced people in the fields of finance,entrepreneurship, management, marketing, successfulcorporate professionals, government representativesare involved. whose main objective is to providetraining and generate employment in the society suchas financial development and entrepreneurshipdevelopment and take steps towards povertyalleviation. Odisha Corporate Foundation aims to expand itsnetwork in 30 districts of Odisha to create anorganization of coordinators, trainers, consultants,experts in all districts and work in collaboration withvarious business institutions, commercial institutionsand investors.


On behalf of Odisha Corporate Foundation, thefollowing services are provided both online and offlineto the aspiring young women and girls in all districts ofOdisha, who want to do some business or are doingsome business.

  • Business Counseling – Odisha CorporateFoundation is offering free business counseling toyoung women who want to start a business inOdisha. Counseling them, evaluating their businessideas and identifying their problems andsuggesting their solutions.
  • Entrepreneurship Development Training – FreeEntrepreneurship Development Training will begiven to the young women who are selected aftercounseling by the counselor of Odisha CorporateFoundation. In this training, the children will betrained on various topics like how to do BusinessRegistration, Documentation, Business Selection,Business Idea Generation, Branding and Promotion,Marketing, Bank Linkage etc.
  • Registration and legal support for business – Thosewho will start their own business after training orthose who are doing business, whether registrationis required for their business, what documents arerequired, legal and legal support, all these supportand support will be done by Odisha CorporateFoundation.
  • Support for Bank Linkage and Project Report -Those who are starting their own business or thosewho are doing business if they need some financialsupport from the bank or from any governmentagency or microfinance institution then support inpreparation of project proposal, documentation forbank loan and bank linkage from Odisha CorporateFoundation. will be done.
  • Subject Oriented Training – The aspirants will begiven special training by Odisha CorporateFoundation to acquire knowledge and skills inbusiness related areas like technology, digitalmarketing, branding, packing, promotion,registration, documentation etc.
  • Mentoring and Guidance – Free mentoring andguidance will be provided by Odisha CorporateFoundation to those who are doing business andneed some mentoring and guidance.


  • As a Trainee – If you want to do some business or are doing some business and need some advice or training or expert advice or business registration orsome legal suggestion or bank linkage or mentoring or guidance then you can contact Odisha Corporate Foundation.
  • As District Coordinator – If you want to do something for the society or want to connect some unemployed youths in your area with Odisha Corporate Foundation then you can join Odisha Corporate Foundation as District Coordinator. For this, some professional fees will also be given to you by Odisha Corporate Foundation.
  • As a Counselor and Trainer – If you have the knowledge and experience in counseling and training then you can join Odisha Corporate Foundation as a Counselor and Trainer. For this,some professional fees will also be given to you by Odisha Corporate Foundation.
  • Expert Counselor – If you have expertise in marketing, banking, finance, legal etc. then you can join Odisha Corporate Foundation as an Expert Counselor. For this, some professional fees will also be given to you by Odisha Corporate Foundation.